The Church That Cares For Your Soul

Becoming Obsessed About a Problem

Esther 5:13 – Yet all this availeth me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.

John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Romans 12:21 – Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Becoming obsessed about a problem can drive you to sin.  We see that Haman became obsessed because of pride.  He felt he deserved respect and honor. Mordecai would not give it to him or bow down to him.  As a result, he became so obsessed about this that it drove him to write a law and present a petition before the king to have all the Jews destroyed.

If we do not deal with pride in our heart quickly, bitterness can set in and grow a root like it did in Haman’s life.  That root of bitterness eventually lead to Haman’s destruction and death and it will lead to yours too if you don’t overcome that root of bitterness.  We can also become obsessed about other things that may or may not be sin.  They can become sin when they start to produce bitterness or other sins in our heart.

We often elevate ourselves and think better of ourselves than we should.  When disappointment and trials come in our life, we blame others like Haman blamed Mordecai and the Jews for all his problems.  But the Bible says we are to overcome.

First of all we are to overcome the world.  Christ overcame the world by His power on the cross as He suffered and died for us.  Because of this we should have good cheer and be happy, joy-filled Christians in the midst of trials and tribulations.  We should also have the peace of God.  Even if we become obsessed or overly focused on our problems, the Holy Spirit inside us can overcome because Christ has already overcome for us.  Worldliness will drive us toward bitterness and letting problems fester.  The world is not very merciful.  The world is focused on money and possessions.  You want to be the opposite.  You want to overcome the world’s views and thoughts.

Last of all we are to overcome evil.  You overcome bitterness and obsession with a problem by good.  By injecting good into the situation, you can drive away evil thoughts and bad feelings. When we try to combat the evil thoughts and bitterness, we are obeying the Bible.  We have to replace bad thoughts with good thoughts.  That is not always easy and takes effort.  We need to pray for those that have despitefully used us or wronged us.  We have to keep doing good or we will eventually be overcome with evil.  Haman’s reaction was exactly the opposite and he ended up with a noose around his neck.

Becoming obsessed about a problem is not a good situation to be in.  You have to put your faith and trust in the Lord to get you through.  Make sure you overcome by fighting the worldliness in your life and humbling down.  Also try overcoming evil with some good.  Tell old slew foot to go back where he came from too.

Photo by Scott Clark

Photo by slgckgc


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