The Church That Cares For Your Soul

The Eternal Pessimist

Proverbs 17:20. He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.

The Eternal Pessimist

There are some who cannot find good in anything.  They are the eternal pessimist.  When we look at things and cannot find the good in a situation, we have a froward or wicked heart.  Part of being content as a Christian is looking at the good in everything.  When we fail to see God’s hand of providence in all that we do, we only see the bad.  Sometimes you need to be a little pessimistic about somethings so that you are not taken.  However, for the most part, our pessimism is just a lack of trust in God and His purpose in our life.

The Perverse Tongue

Being pessimistic is related to having a perverse or evil tounge.  When the heart is froward, it rarely has anything good to say about a situation at hand.  It would be a lot more encouraging to ourselves and others if we could find some good in any given situation.  If we are to believe Romans 8:28, then we have to truly not be pessimistic.  We need to look for the good in all that happens in our lives.  The devil wants you to grumble and complain.  He wants you to charge God with trying to destroy your life.  That is all he wanted from Job,  to charge God foolishly and blame Him for everything bad happening in his life.

Be An Optimist Instead

We need to look on the bright side of things.  Being an optimist is better.  The optimist is what God really prefers.  There are plenty of ways we can complain about things in our life.  Instead, we should look for the good that God gives and glorify Him in that.  Anybody can find the bad.  It takes a spiritual Christian to find the good.  We need to look for the hand of God in all we do each day.  He has a purpose and we can trust him.  When there is bad in our life we have an opportunity to seek the Lord in prayer and let Him deal with the situation.  We glorify God when we do this.  Don’t have a froward heart, instead, seek the Lord and find the good in everything that comes your way.

Photo by jamigibbs


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