And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Gal. 5:24-26
Christ Owns You
Once Christ owns you, the true work of sanctification begins. The flesh is something that needs to be crucified daily if we are going to have any kind of walk with God. When Christ was crucified, He had to willingly give up His life. The bottom line is that crucifixion kills. It is likely one of the most painful deaths known to mankind. Let me give a few points of what living a crucified life, as a believer in Christ, should kill in our lives.
- Crucifixion Kills Affections – Our desires are the first thing that has to go if we are going to live for the Lord. It is no longer our will but His will. Our passions and desires need to change from what pleases us, and our flesh, to what pleases Him.
- Crucifixion Kills Lusts – Our carnal appetites need to go and be replaced by a spiritual appetite. Instead of lust, we need to have love. If we are saved we will love sinners and we will love the brethren.
- Crucifixion Kills Pride – Pride does not go along with the crucified life. We cannot think highly of ourselves and live for God. He hates pride. It, ultimately, got Satan kicked out of heaven. We need to see our own wickedness and sin in order to get a right view of ourselves. We need to live humbly before our God.
- Crucifixion Kills Envy – If we are not thinking of ourselves then we won’t want someone else’s position or power. Envy is, basically, not being content with what we have, or our position in life, or our job. Envy will cause you to be very competitive in the wrong way. Sooner or later, you are going to hurt a lot of people. You need to die to envy and be content with what, who, and where you are in life. Christ knows your needs better than you do.
We need to live a crucified life as a Christian. Our sanctification depends on it.