Colossians 1:14. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
No Greater Comfort
There is probably no greater comfort to the child of God than to know that your sins are under the blood of Christ. We have been purchased and made clean by the greatest cleanser of sin ever made. Our sins are under the blood. The most vile sinner can come to Christ and be made clean by faith. There may not be some great feeling, but, by faith, you can know that your sins are washed away, never to be remembered in eternity. You may remember and others may remember them this side of heaven, but on God’s side, they are gone forever, as far as the east is from the west. That is what really counts.
It’s Under the Blood
The doctrine of the redemption, or Christ purchasing us, with his blood is one of the greatest and most practical doctrines of the Bible. The blood can cleanse our conscience from dead works. It forgives our sins and makes a satisfactory, atoning payment to God. Our sin is under the blood, forgiven for all time and eternity. Our vile, wicked sin has been taken on by our God and paid for. It is the reason He can give to us eternal life and that we cannot earn it. Sin cannot enter into heaven and it must be completely removed. We have to have the blood. There is no other way.
When the Devil Comes Knocking
We can tell the devil when he comes knocking, “it is under the blood.” Have you been cleaned by the blood of Christ? If not, I trust that you will come to Him by faith and do so today. There is no greater thing than can ever happen to you than getting your sins under the blood. The devil has no power over the child of God whose sin is under the blood. He can mess with your mind, but he cannot take your soul. He hates the blood of Christ. No matter how bad life gets, you always have the blood of Christ and you can tell the devil it is under the blood.