The Church That Cares For Your Soul

The Christian Marathon

Hebrews 12:1. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Running With Patience

Running the Christian race with patience is not always an easy job. Patience implies the need to stick with it, even when it gets hard.  We are in a marathon, not a sprint.  When we get weighed down with the weight and sin in life, it can beset or hinder you from finishing this Christian race.  It is easy to quit the Christian race.  I have seen many Christians quit their race in my lifetime.  No one is immune from it.  It is so important that we run this race with as few encumbrances as possible.

The Christian Marathon

One of the ways we can make it through this Christian Marathon is by looking at the great cloud of witnesses who have already made it through.  It is good to read biographies of Christian examples who made it through.  When we see others make it to the end, it encourages us to go on.  We need to learn from others’ examples, whether good or bad.  When we see that someone has stayed in the Christian race for 30, 40, or 50 years; we need to take note of what they did and how they were successful.  In the same way, when someone quits the race, we need to take note and make sure we don’t make the same mistakes.  We need to make sure we make it to the end of this Christian Marathon.  There is no other race or challenge in this life that is more important.



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