Tilling the land is necessary to prepare it in order to receive seed.
Proverbs 12:11 He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.
Tilling the Land
Tilling the land is necessary to prepare it in order to receive seed. It is hard work (or at least it used to be when you had to use oxen or mules). There is satisfaction in a job well done. When a farmer eats the fruits of his own labor, it just tastes a little bit better. We used to raise our own beef cows when I was growing up. That beef is some of the best beef I have ever eaten. It was good beef, but us raising it probably made it taste a little bit better. The same is true of the Christian. He works hard to please the Lord and there is satisfaction in living right. It produces the bread in our life. As we eat the spiritual Word of God every day, it helps us to grow. It produces satisfaction in the soul.