We have officially begun a church building project. We had our first dedication church service at the new property donated to us by BB&T Bank (Formerly Susquehanna Bank). The property is located at 682 Gap Newport Pike (State Route 41) in Atglen, Pennsylvania. The church service

opened with prayer, thanking the Lord for graciously giving us the property and asking his blessing on the property that it would be used for his glory and honor to reach the lost and be a tool He could use. We asked the Lord that he would send revival to Chester County and we could see souls saved. Pastor Keenan is praying for nine new families.
After prayer we sang some hymns including “To God Be The Glory.” Pastor Keenan preached a short message from Nehemiah about using a few to rebuild the wall. We are few but God can show himself mighty.
After the service everyone milled about the property and discussed about where we would like to build. The kids really enjoyed the woods and having a place to roam. The Lord has truly been good to us.