The Church That Cares For Your Soul
Is There Dark Light

Is There Dark Light

Is there dark light? It seems like a silly question but the Bible says there is. The last part of verse 23 says “If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

Matthew 6:22-23 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Is There Dark Light?

Is there dark light?  It seems like a silly question but the Bible says there is.  The last part of verse 23 says “If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”  It seems to be saying someone can have light, but still be in darkness.  How is that possible?  What if you go to church, week after week and get the truth of the Word of God preached to you.  You are getting light to your eyes.  Your mind is being enlightened to the Word of God.  Truths are being revealed to you.  But let’s say that the light going into the eye is not a good eye, but an evil eye.  What if your physical eye did not process the light right?  Maybe you are color blind?  Maybe you have cataracts?  What if you were blind in one eye.  The light would not get to the retina and it would not profit the mind or the body.  The nerves could also be messed up that attach to the eye and not transmit the information received by the receptors in your eye.  The end result is the light would be wasted.  It might enter the pupil but it does not do any good.  The light does absolutely no good to the body because it can not convert the light received to images that can be processed by the brain.  The light becomes darkness.

Spiritual Sight

The same is true of spiritual sight.  The light of the Word of God can enter the soul, but if you are spiritually blind your heart cannot process it.  You need to have spiritual “receptors” in your spiritual “eye” in order to process the information.  If you are not born again, you do not have spiritual receptors in order to see.  You are blind.  You have an evil eye and an evil heart.  Being born again supplies you with spiritual sight.  You can now overcome the natural.  The whole body is illuminated.  The “flesh” has been found out because the light of the Word of God has exposed him.  Before the “flesh” lurked in the dark and you did not even know he was there.  Now that he has been found out, you can overcome him.  Without an eye, the light does no good to the body.  It just hits the body and bounces off.  Before you were saved, the light of the Word of God just bounced off you.  It did nothing for you because you did not have spiritual eyes.  Thank God for the light of the Word of God and spiritual eyes.  The answer is yes, there is dark light before you are saved.  There was light all around you but you were in darkness because you could not perceive it due to a lack of spiritual eyes.

Spiritual Cataracts

You need to be careful now that you are saved.  Though you have spiritual eyes now, you can make yourself blind again.  If you ignore the Word of God and preaching, you can slowly sear or callous your spiritual eyes over and you can get spiritual cataracts.  You need to keep your spiritual eyes keen and sharp.  Read the Word of God and heed it.  Many birds of prey require keen eyesight in order to hunt well.  That is the kind of spiritual eyesight you need to develop.  You need to have sharp vision of spiritual things.  You need to be able to recognize sin a long way off and stay far from it.  Don’t sit in church week after week and grow cold to the Word of God and get spiritual cataracts.  It will be your ruin.  Try to become like the eagle with eagle vision for the Word of God.

Photo by Dean McCoy Photography


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