The Church That Cares For Your Soul
The Lord Giveth and Taketh Away

The Lord Giveth and Taketh Away

The Lord gave Job a lot of blessings in his life.  He had a good wife and ten healthy children.  He prayed for his children every day.

Job 1:21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

The Lord Giveth and Taketh Away

The Lord gave Job a lot of blessings in his life.  He had a good wife and ten healthy children.  He prayed for his children every day.  He was likely one of the richest men on the earth.  But the Lord decided to try Job to see what he was made of.  He wanted Job to grow and help him learn to deal with pride in his life.  The Lord took away almost everything he had through the hand of Satan.  The Lord took it and Job’s answer was “blessed be the name of the Lord.”  Will we have the same reaction when the Lord takes our loved ones?  Job was a godly man.  The Lord was not trying to punish Job at all.  He wanted to grow and strengthen Job.  Also, God wanted to glorify himself through Job’s trials and show the devil that people do want to worship out a a free will and a true heart of love.  He wanted to show the devil that people don’t just serve Him for things but because they trust Him and love Him.

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

Will our reaction be when God brings trials in our life to thank Him and praise Him?  I certainly hope so.  God has been good to us.  Can we like Job take evil at the hand of the Lord as readily as we take good?  Job realized that he brought nothing into this world and also that he was not taking anything with him.  He had a very loose hold on the things of this life, including his children.  What he did have a strong hold onto was God.  If we always maintain our hold on God before anything else, we will be okay no matter what the devil tries to bring into our life just like Job.  Death in our immediate family will happen sooner or later to all of us.  We will need to deal with it just like Job.  I just hope we have the same reaction he did and glorify and praise the Lord for all He has done.  Can we thank God for the mercies we have today and not complain about what we don’t have?  The Lord giveth and taketh away, can we bless the Lord when that happens?


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