The Church That Cares For Your Soul

The Rocks of the Christian Life

Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

No Time to Mess Around

It is no time to be messing around as Christians.  The time is at hand for us to read the Word of God and live by it.  We are in the last days of this old world.  Despite what the globalist say, this world does not need to last forever.  It has a finite life, just like we do.  The Bible also tells us to redeem the time.  Time is a very precious thing.  It can only be experienced at the moment.  Once it comes, it is there and then passes.  We are going to be held accountable for how we use the time at hand that we have today.  Often, for many, that time will be wasted on carnal things or other works based solely on wood, hay, and stubble.  Once time has been wasted, it will not abide the fires of the judgment seat of Christ.

The Rocks of the Christian Life

Reading the Word of God is not wasted time.  Spending time with the Lord in His Word is always time well spent.  There is a tendency in this fast paced life to rush through our devotions so we can “get on with our day.”  The problem here is in perspective.  In reality, your day should be your relationship with the Lord.  Getting in the Word of God is really what your day should be centered around.  When you seek the kingdom of God first, everything else falls into place.  It is kind of like the illustration of the jar.  If you put the big rocks in it first, it is easy to pour in sand around them and fill in the spaces between.  If you put the sand in first, you wil never get the big rocks in.  The Word of God, your devotions, prayer, and your walk with God are the big rocks and the activities that fill your life are the sand.  The order and priority always has to be the big rocks first.

Holy Living is Vital

Holy living should also be a priority in your life.  Spending time on keeping the Word of God is important.  We should always look at every situation and seek God’s wisdom and direction in it.  Do you dedicate time in your life to trying to change and be a better Christian?  You need to look for opportunities to improve and live more holy.  As adults, being an example to those that are younger than us is important. Having kind, gracious words for those who may not always understand or have wisdom will develop patience.  II Pet 1:5-7 provides a ladder of spiritual growth for a Christian.  You need to first have faith if you are going to develop virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, and godliness in your life.  Those rocks need to be added in order, to some extent.  Patience is one of those higher order of things in the Christian life that sometimes happens after years of experience.

Priorities in the Wise Use of Your Time

We have the time at hand that God has given us today.  We need to use it wisely and redeem or buy back as much as we can.  We certainly wasted plenty of time when we were lost in sin.  Take time on things that God says are important and not on what you think is important for your life.  It is not wasted time, despite what the world, or your flesh, will tell you.  Mary spent time at the feet of Jesus, and our Lord recognized it as the greater part of life; more needful at that time than Martha’s serving. It is not that you don’t need the sand in life to fill in the spaces.  It is just the rocks always have to come first.

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