The Church That Cares For Your Soul
Let Jesus Write Your Story

Let Jesus Write Your Story

You need to let Jesus write your story of life.

Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Let Jesus Write Your Story

You need to let Jesus write your story of life.  The Lord Jesus Christ came by and found you one day.  You were not looking for Him, He was looking for you as a lost sheep.  He left the ninety and nine sheep to try and find that one lost soul.  He authored or wrote your story of faith in Himself.  He left the glory of heaven and gave it all up for you.  He has a plan for your life if you let Him write it.

The Author

An author will often outline a book before he writes.  He will figure out the timeline of events, the characters, how the characters will interact, what the characters personalities are, the location of the events, etc.  He has a plan for the book before he pens the first chapter.  Once he begins to write the book, he will often refer back to these notes and outlines to make sure he keeps everything working according to the plan and timeline.  The same could be said of our lives.  Jesus outlines our life the moment we get saved.  He figures out the characters of our story.  Maybe he brings us a spouse, children, a church, Christian friends, and others we will need to live a life pleasing to Him.  He then begins to write our story based on a life of faith.  He always sticks to the outline.

The Finisher

Jesus is also the finisher of our faith.  He wants to perfect that which is lacking in our life.  He uses the events of life that he plans for our story to create in us something that will look like Him.  He wants to slowly but surely conform us to His image.  The Lord uses the events of life, both good and bad, to try and change our character.  He wants to instill more of the fruit of the Spirit in us and remove more of the works of the flesh.  A finisher in carpentry will trim things out, paint, wall paper, carpet, and other things.  He will cover up the rough framed house.  Christ is trying to perfect us.  We can fight the plan He has for our life or we can let all things work together for good in our life and let Him change us.  The choice is yours.  Are you going to let him finish your life and let Jesus write your story.


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