The Church That Cares For Your Soul
Only Pride

Only Pride

Only pride will destroy a Christian’s spirit.  A high view of what one deserves cannot abide with God’s Spirit.  Good advice from godly men and the Word of God will provide peace and a humble spirit.

Proverbs 13:10 Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.

Being Impatient

Pride makes men impatient of contradiction in either their opinions or their desires, impatient of competition and rivalship, impatient of contempt, or any thing that looks like a slight, and impatient of concession, and receding, from a conceit of certain right and truth on their side; and hence arise quarrels among relations and neighbours, quarrels in states and kingdoms, in churches and Christian societies. Men will be revenged, will not forgive, because they are proud.  – Matthew Henry Commentary

No Revenge

Revenge is not an option for the Christian.  Pride will destroy your spirit.  When people cross us when they have different wants or desires, we feel threatened that someone else has it better than we do; our defenses kick in and we fight.  However, that fight defense is really just the flesh.  Revenge is the mind of the flesh.  The flesh is “trying to put things right.”  The flesh is “trying to even the score.”  The reason you do that is because you think you have been short-changed.  The reality is God has been short-changed. He has put up with way more “bad” in you than you ever put up with in someone else.

Take Advice

…Those that are humble and peaceable are wise and well advised. Those that will ask and take advice, that will consult their own consciences, their Bibles, their ministers, their friends, and will do nothing rashly, are wise, as in other things, so in this, that they will humble themselves, will stoop and yield, to preserve quietness and prevent quarrels. – Matthew Henry Commentary

Heal the Broken Wounds

We need to take the advice of the Word of God and let it heal the broken wounds of hurt.  Taking our own revenge, through pride, will only cause the wound to break open again.  There is no way to even the score.  God needs to put His love in your heart.  Pride will just cause more and more contention.  Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and let him give you quietness and peace.  He can stop the fight in your heart.  He can overcome your pride.  You just need to take heed to His law and overcome evil with good.


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